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Tournament Details
AM Flight: Reg - 6:30am | Start - 8:00am
PM Flight: Reg - 11:30am | Start - 1:30pm
Format: 4-Man Best Ball Scramble
Includes: Meals/Beverages during Registration & immediately following flight; beverages during round of golf; Welcome bags; Team prizes
Contests: Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin, Putting Contest, Hole-in-One, Other Holes Contests
Raffle/Silent/Live Auctions: Variety of sports memorabilia/event tickets and gift packages
Deadline for Entry: 7/12/24
Individual Fee: $175 (or $250 if attending Welcome Reception)
Foursome Fee: $700 (or $1,000 if attending Welcome Reception)
Registration: Online using form or reach out to for alternate options
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